Saturday, 21 January 2012

Headband for Your ♥

I thought that I would do another tutorial and I had an idea of doing a headband, since I feel that it is the "in" thing right now and you can totally make them for a small little Valentines' Day! A sweet handmade gift I would say. I actually had this tutorial taken a few hours ago but a Huge moth decided to come  and disturb me (grr...) and I was like, "Ahh!!" and ran into my room when it flew towards me. Then, shriek and scream again until my mummy( My saviour!!) decided to be kind and help chase the moth away (whew!)

Now That I can concentrate, here are materials you need,

1.  A ribbon or fabric strip of your choice  ( The length you can decide depending on how long you want them to be but I use a 50cm ribbon)
2. Thread( Color of your choice) and needle
3. Elastic band ( again you can decide how big your headband be but I used 4cm)
4. Some felt shapes, I used heart shape felts for Valentine's!

This tutorial is going to be easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy , I promise!

1.Firstly stitch the end of the ribbon to the elastic band on one side. Or you can simply fold the ribbon and stitch half-way and slide the elastic band into the halfway stitched ribbon and finish stitching the ribbon with the elastic band up.
 See the light pink stitch? I folded the ribbon and stitch it halfway and I slide the elastic band in and stitch them up!

2. Do it on the other side of the ribbon too with the same method and you'll have a headband!

3. Now, you can sew anything to your plain headband, in my case, I added a felt heart. You can sew a rosette, or a bow or anything that you can think of, Use your creative! I think I can see light bulbs popping up in front of me now.

                                                    Took this pic in my bathroom(lol;)

 A nice and simple headband!

What do you think? Isn't it a Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy headband? I finished the headband in just 10 minutes! (Hehe) If you have any doubts about any of the steps, do comment on this post and I'll see what I can do. I would to see what you have done too! (If you don't mind sharing with me!)

Happy Craft-Making!

Visit my shop, Loving Twinklejulia

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